Notes: Day 1: Walked to Zagreb airport, hopped on the plane and made it to Berlin. Dropped off our bags at the hotel, and started walking. Stopped at a cafe, figured out the transit system, and figured we’d go try and find some historical stuff. We did. And drank some cherry beer, and a street sausage… And some street Asian noodles with duck… And a curry wurst…. And some schnitzel…. Saw a bunch of old stuff, ride the subway and elevated tracks… A lot of weird people in Berlin. Bees and flies on pastries, ain’t no thing.

Notes: Day 2: Walked forever to get eggs.

Took train to hipster hood, found a giant park. Live band. Graffiti, beers. Berlin Wall memorial. Burritos. Walked. Walked walked walked til 5am. Hookers. Cherry beers. Riverside beer and wine.

Notes: Day 3: Burgers from Burgermeister. Squat camp koepi 137. Holocaust museum. BBQ food called Chicago Williams. Totally caught the owner up in a lie as to where they got they name.

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